Genealogy Center
The Genealogy Center is currently open on the following days: Monday-Saturday, 12-4. (Note, the Genealogy Center is closed on the same days as the Sylvan Way Branch.)
Our collection of genealogical research materials is housed in the Genealogy Center at Sylvan Way Library (1301 Sylvan Way, Bremerton, Washington). PSGS volunteers are available to assist researchers in the Genealogy Center during our open hours. Currently our hours will be Monday through Saturday, 12-4. Our phone number is 1-360-475-9172.
The genealogical research collection includes books and periodicals from each state and several countries. In addition, family history books, guides and instructions, census data, and various compendia and records round out the collection. Microfilm and microfiche records are also on hand. The entire collection is available at no charge to researchers as a non-circulating reference collection.
FamilySearch Affiliate Library
The Puget Sound Genealogical Society is an Affiliate Library for the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City and FamilySearch.org. This means that when you are inside the Genealogy Center or the Sylvan Way Library, either using your own computer or our Patron Computers, you will be able to access the "locked" records at FamilySearch.org. To view the locked records you will be prompted to sign in to your own account. If you don't already have an account you may create a free account through
To find a book in our collection, go to the Read+Watch+Listen tab on the Library's website (http://www.krl.org/) and select Catalog. Then, click the link to More Search Options located under the Search For box. At the next screen under the Collections section, scroll down and select Genealogical Center, then select Set Search Options. You will be returned to the Search page and can then enter your keyword search terms. All results are located in the Genealogy Center.
You can print your own forms using the link above. Or printed copies of these blank Research Forms are found in the Beginner's Corner in the Genealogy Center.
If you have questions or would like to donate materials to our Genealogy Center, email our Genealogy Center Coordinator at:
Genealogy Center Volunteers
The Genealogy Center is staffed by PSGS member volunteers. If you would like to contribute your time to help us in this effort, please contact the Genealogy Center Volunteer Coordinator/Trainer at: