About Us
The Puget Sound Genealogical Society, located in Kitsap County, Washington, provides research, educational, and genealogical information through instruction, both classes and programs. We have 3600+ publications in our genealogical collection. The primary purpose of PSGS is: “Preserving Family History Through Education and Research.”
Most of our activities are focused on education and research. Our Genealogy Center, is located at the Sylvan Way Library, (Kitsap Regional Library), 1301 Sylvan Way, Bremerton. The Center provides resources for our own research as well as assisting genealogists from other parts of the country. The Sylvan Way Library and our Genealogy Center has been designated as a FamilySearch Affiliate Library.
Our society's members meet monthly to learn about upcoming activities and share research discoveries. The meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at Sylvan Way, except for November and December. November's meeting is on the 3rd Wednesday; there is not meeting in December. Visitors are always welcome! Come early at 12:30 pm for fellowship. The meeting starts at 1:00 pm with a program on genealogy topics designed to enrich our members' knowledge and skills. Program speakers come from the surrounding Puget Sound area and are eager to share their expertise. The business meeting follows at 2:00 pm. A list of upcoming program topics is found on the Programs page.
Our monthly meeting and classes are being held in-person and on Zoom. In-person is in the Heninger Meeting Room at the Sylvan Way Library.
Tax Exempt Status: The PSGS is chartered in the State of Washington as a non-profit corporation. Additionally, PSGS has been approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) "Tax Exempt" organization. Gifts and donations to PSGS may be deducted on your Federal Income Tax return in accordance with IRS rules.
Copyright (c) Notice: This Puget Sound Genealogical Society website (www.psgsociety.org) is protected by copyright (C); however, contents may be used for personal, nonprofit purposes. It may be shared with others, provided this copyright notice is included. It may not be republished, sold, or mass distributed, by electronic, print, or any form without permission of the copyright owners. Click here to e-mail the webmaster.

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Any material or images contained herein are used with permission or believed to be in the public domain and, to the best of our knowledge, are from public domain sources. It is our policy to immediately remove, upon first notification and identification, any specific material or image(s) represented to be owned or copyrighted by other parties. Should you possess the copyright to any such material or image(s) and be able to prove such claim, please notify us immediately. We are not liable to the users of this site for the content, quality, performance, or any other aspect of any information provided herein. Nor are we responsible, nor liable, for any damages arising in any manner from the information provided herein or through these resources. Users and participants assume all risk and/or responsibility arising from information provided through this site.
Not all of the links on these pages are controlled by Puget Sound Genealogical Society. We do not necessarily recommend nor endorse the contents of any links mentioned on our web pages; we provide them for your information and education.